Get reliable test data: select and copy only the data you need.

Object Sync™ allows functional users to copy specific data scenarios, on demand, with complete data integrity, from any system to another.



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Business analysts, functional teams and other power users have specific needs, including:
  • Real data in QA to be able to test their solutions properly
  • A faster correction process for production support
  • Real live data for training, that is relevant, while complying with data protection laws
  • Control and power to get the data they need, when they need it
  • The knowledge that sensitive data is automatically protected across the landscape 
  • Masking occurring on exit – essential for hybrid cloud
  • Data on demand – without needing downtime or Basis involvement
  • The flexibility to copy only specific transactions and related master data integrated across S/4, CRM, SRM, ERP etc.
Object Sync is the easiest, most powerful way to do all of the above and more.



Select and copy the data you needSelect and copy the data you need

Object Sync is intuitive and easy to use. You select data at a business object or transactional flow level, from a single object up to a whole range, and copy it to a non-production system. You can select from multiple modules, such as HCM, FI and SD. You can even copy complex HCM cluster data such as CATS and Payroll.

Sensitive data can be safeguarded throughout, with scrambling/conversions taking place during the copy. This helps your company meet accepted data protection standards, such as Sarbanes Oxley, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the BDSG (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz).


Have fresh testing data at your fingertips

DSM does away with recreating testing and training data manually. You can have up-to-date, valid production data for testing or for training simulations whenever you need it, and the data can be refreshed easily and regularly.

What's different about Object Sync?What's different about Object Sync?

We have worked with a wide range of SAP customers in many countries and industries.
Experience has taught us how SAP data objects are structured; how they relate to other objects, and how BAPIs, locking mechanisms, number ranges and authorisation checks function. This knowledge powers Object Sync to move data consistently, maintain all links to related data and ensure 100% data integrity.

Object Sync lets you define templates that reduce complexity and enforce security. You can then allow users to copy production data as needed, as the templates regulate their access to the data. This means fewer system interruptions.

Object Sync is part of EPI-USE Labs' Data Sync Manager (DSM) product suite. It can function independently or together with other products in the DSM suite.

Benefits of Object Sync

  • Easy-to-use interface for selecting and copying only the data that you need
  • Copies all ERP data, including complex HCM cluster data
  • No system interruptions or freezes
  • Empowers personnel to resolve issues quickly, without having to wait for other teams
  • Masks and protects sensitive data
  • Reduces risks during implementation, upgrades and loading of support/enhancement packs
  • Moves data from a lower to a higher release, and between different architectures
  • Easily extendable to include custom requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

How fine-grained is Object Sync?
How does Object Sync ensure consistency of transactional data?
Does Object Sync allows the same transactions to be copied more than once?
Can I use Object Sync to test system changes resulting from customising or application of support packs?
Can Object Sync scramble data by default?
How can we enforce data security?



DSM for IS-U

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DSM For Oil & Gas

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DSM for Public Sector

EPI-USE Labs works with a great number of public sector organizations, and has specific capability to handle test data management needs for organizations in this sector. Object Sync seamlessly manages multiple employment contracts, and Grants Management and Funds Management have dedicated objects for copying test data on demand for those complex testing situations.

DSM for Bank Analyser

Organizations leveraging the Bank Analyzer solution from SAP can now carry out lean system refreshes with Client Sync on the Bank Analyzer system whenever the backend system is being refreshed. The post-processing in Client Sync automates around two days of manual effort normally required after a system copy for Bank Analyzer test systems.

DSM for Insurance

DSM contains specific objects and functionality for the Insurance industry, including the ability to copy FSCD data on-demand for a specific Business Partner or Contract Account. ICM and Claims Management data is also covered.

DSM for Retail

For over ten years, DSM has catered for the demanding needs of the Retail sector for test data on demand and lean testing client provisioning. Complex document flows are supported out of the box, with the ability to extend for non-standard configuration. Challenging data to recreate for testing can easily be replicated, including site data, article hierarchies, listings and assortment modules.