CCPA: The Ultimate Guide for SAP Systems

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There is a global wave of data privacy legislation that affects the way in which companies do business. We can all agree that having control over our private data is important from an individual’s perspective, but with decades of freedom in using personal data, businesses are now forced to rethink their approach, and sometimes even their business models. In many cases, personal data used to be considered an asset, but has now become a liability or a toxic asset.

This guide is designed to provide you with insight and practical tips on compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act, or the CCPA as we will refer to it throughout. The guide will give you a deeper understanding of the law and the way it compares to GDPR. We have also suggested a number of practical actions you can take towards compliance.

Here's what you'll get in this guide:

  • A better understanding of the CCPA and how it compares to GDPR
  • Clarity on the major steps required for a compliance project
  • A guide to four quick wins you can implement
  • An outline of how to manage the CCPA requirements for SAP
Get prepared for your compliance initiatives before the January 1, 2020 deadline. 

Request your free guide today.