Tick-tock tick-tock. Holiday vacation has come and gone, and there never seems to be enough time in a day. From holiday parties to shopping and time spent with friends and family, it’s a fun but crazy time. However, for Basis teams, an actual “vacation” is rare. While others spend time with their families, we spend time with our laptops to prepare the SAP systems for another year of improved performance, security and reliability. The Basis team are always overworked and underappreciated, but someone has to go through the sometimes tedious and complex process to make sure their company’s SAP data is safe.
Client or system refreshes are an unavoidable reality for SAP customers, and this critical task is usually dumped onto the Basis team, who will have to work on weekends and holidays while everyone else is enjoying their time off. If we do a flawless job, nobody notices. If we miss something, it makes the headlines very quickly. And sometimes, at 3:00 am when our brain is supposed to be sleeping, it’s easy to miss something.
So, to win back some of our weekends, evenings and holidays, we Basis folks need to improve our refresh processes. Simplifying the system/client refresh process is a good place to start. We want refreshes to run with minimum input from us. We want refreshed clients to be leaner and secure. Data Sync Manager is a Basis team’s best friend, for more weekend and holiday time spent with our families, and less time executing system refreshes.
5 New Year’s Resolutions for smart Basis teams:

So, to the other Basis folks out there: We work hard. We work nights. We work weekends and holidays. It’s time for us to improve our productivity while reducing the time we spend on refreshes and data management. It’s time for us to get our weekends back.
Lyall Hinton
Lyall has been a technology specialist for 15 years and is currently the Vice President of Services at EPI-USE Labs in the US. He is responsible for our world-class services team focused on EPI-USE Labs products implementations, SAP migrations, upgrades and basis services.