Data privacy compliance: An inside look at your SAP data

Recorded: 13 Sept 2023
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Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly where all the sensitive data in your SAP system is located? And why is it so difficult to get a straight answer to this question?
Whichever data privacy legislation you are subject to, each of the following regulations includes the 'right to access' and 'right to deletion/correction':
- GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe
- CCPA (California), CPA (Colorado), CTDPA (Connecticut), CDPA (Indiana, Montana), ICDPA (Iowa), TIPA (Tennessee), TDPSA (Texas), UCPA (Utah), VCDPA (Virginia) in North America
- POPIA in South Africa
- PDPA in Thailand
- LGPD in Brazil
- PIPA in South Korea and Japan
- NZPA in New Zealand
- PIPEDA in Canada
To comply, you need to understand and map the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in your IT estate.
James Watson
SAP Landscape and Data Management Specialist, EPI-USE Labs
James is a senior consultant in the EPI-USE Labs Europe team, with 15 years of experience working specifically with SAP Utility implementations. He is currently involved in data migration and system landscape optimisation projects, while having a personal interest in data security and GDPR. James is blogging about GDPR and functional ISU information while sharing his long history of customer and project management.
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