Dynamic payroll and tax reconciliation tailored
especially for the USA

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Unmatched balancing solution

Unmatched balancing solution

speedy resolutions

Highlights differences which leads to speedy resolutions

Promotes period-to-period balancing

Promotes period-to-period balancing

easy investigation

Makes investigation easy

Interactive pivot table

Interactive pivot table accelerates payroll, posting and third-party tax data investigation

Why is test data so important in SAP environments?

Because of the architecture and integrated data model, SAP test and development systems very quickly diverge from the state of the Production system - either via data changes in Production, or changes en route through the landscape, or via testing and training activities in those systems themselves. This makes it difficult to provide an accurate reflection of how a change will impact Production, effectively train new users, and support issues that do arise in Production. This means in many cases SAP professionals carry out activities in Production which should only ever be done in pre-Production environments. The ability to provision accurate test data removes the need to carry out such activities in Production.

Pay Recon™

The taxman is a relentless taskmaster

Payroll matters are complex, time period issues thorny and the drive for accuracy and balance never ends. There is always a chance of variances, as errors are always a possibility with data collection, and inexact, sparse detail. Your role is crucial. Luckily, you can call on a really powerful assistant.

Meet Pay Recon, the teammate you always dreamed about

Pay Recon is an easy-to-use reconciliation instrument for proactive balancing of SAP® HCM and FI transactions, third-party postings, W-2 and 941 tax reporting. With it you can balance payroll results throughout the year, so that by year-end your data is more accurate and only minimal adjustments are required.

Pay Recon helps you do your task better
Pay Recon helps you do your task better

Pay Recon equips you to drill all the way down to employee level - there's no better way to gain an overview of all tax data and out-of-balance situations.
It identifies results that have been reversed but not 'retroed', as well as incomplete voids, where payroll results have been voided but the original FI posting documents have not been reversed. It is an incredible time and effort saver.

It's interactive, flexible and enormously powerful

One of Pay Recon's outstanding assets is its interactive pivot table, which makes the investigation of payroll and post-payroll processes, like third party posting, easy. Flexibility is outstanding and you can select results, hide columns, filter by data source groupings and much more. You can also specify any date range to balance – no need to start at the beginning of the year – and reconcile throughout the year (e.g. quarterly) because you can collect data within chosen dates and streamline your year-end process.

It's interactive, flexible and enormously powerful

Efficient payroll & tax reconciliation

- Find out more from leading SAP HCM specialist, Danielle Larocca

Pay Recon benefits in a nutshell

Unmatched balancing solution
Highlights differences
Promotes  period-to-period  balancing
Makes investigation easy  
Interactive pivot table
Filters by data  source groupings
Provides  comprehensive  reports
nsures that  year-end becomes  amazingly smooth

DSM for IS-U

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DSM For Oil & Gas

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DSM for Public Sector

EPI-USE Labs works with a great number of public sector organizations, and has specific capability to handle test data management needs for organizations in this sector. Object Sync seamlessly manages multiple employment contracts, and Grants Management and Funds Management have dedicated objects for copying test data on demand for those complex testing situations.

DSM for Bank Analyser

Organizations leveraging the Bank Analyzer solution from SAP can now carry out lean system refreshes with Client Sync on the Bank Analyzer system whenever the backend system is being refreshed. The post-processing in Client Sync automates around two days of manual effort normally required after a system copy for Bank Analyzer test systems.

DSM for Insurance

DSM contains specific objects and functionality for the Insurance industry, including the ability to copy FSCD data on-demand for a specific Business Partner or Contract Account. ICM and Claims Management data is also covered.

DSM for Retail

For over ten years, DSM has catered for the demanding needs of the Retail sector for test data on demand and lean testing client provisioning. Complex document flows are supported out of the box, with the ability to extend for non-standard configuration. Challenging data to recreate for testing can easily be replicated, including site data, article hierarchies, listings and assortment modules.