Prefer tea or coffee? We can tell from how you type!

April 01, 2024
Written by Rosy Marchand

Rosy's role at EPI-USE Labs is Marketing/Proposals Project Leader and Editor, working closely with marketing and sales leaders. With more than 25 years of experience in people and proposal leadership, communications, content management, events and social media, she believes that effective communication and collaborating with the right people is integral to project success.

Developers at software specialists EPI-USE Labs have discovered a fascinating fact: there's a direct correlation between your typing style, and your beverage of choice. In fact, they can predict with 98.7% accuracy whether people in the office will choose coffee, normal tea or herbal tea, based entirely on how they type. Using complex algorithms developed via a generative AI-driven large language model (GALLM), along with pressure-sensitive keyboards, these specialists have developed a predictive analysis planning model (PAPM) which could provide valuable insights to the corporate beverage industry globally.


Developers at software specialists EPI-USE Labs have discovered a fascinating fact: there's a direct correlation between your typing style, and your beverage of choice. In fact, they can predict with 98.7% accuracy whether people in the office will choose coffee, normal tea or herbal tea, based entirely on how they type.

Using complex algorithms developed via a generative AI-driven large language model (GALLM), along with pressure-sensitive keyboards, these specialists have developed a predictive analysis planning model (PAPM) which could provide valuable insights to the corporate beverage industry globally.

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"The results are quite remarkable," said Anne Funday, Lead AI Developer for Human Resonance at EPI-USE Labs. "People who choose to drink coffee hit the keys on their keyboards with 73% more force. They also tend to have far more erratic movements, and generally use shorter sentences, with more full stops than commas. 

“Those who choose herbal tea have a more fluid way of typing, and tend to pause for longer between sentences. We can even identify who is more likely to choose a latte or black coffee, based solely on their typing style. For example, people who like cream often have frequent breaks while typing, and use more exclamation marks. Whereas people who drink espressos type very fast, hit the 1, A, P and R keys harder than others, and often ignore spelling errors.” 

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“It's all part of the greater Internet of Things (IoT),” added Joken Laugh, Human Intelligence SVP.


“With access to big data provided by our agile software, we can bring visibility and simplicity to what can be a complex purchasing decision for big enterprises. By harnessing the power of emerging data technology, we can automatically eliminate noise to see the bigger picture, and provide user-friendly, interactive reports for Lead Purchasers. These key insights provide invaluable information to drive efficiency for any business, especially large corporations providing beverages for their employees.”

The response from EPI-USE Labs employees has been very positive. With these insights, the company can provide everyone with exactly what they would like to drink – whether that be chamomile tea with honey, a cup of Earl Grey or an extra-large double mocha with extra foam

At EPI-USE Labs, we create value through innovation, and are always looking for the brightest minds who will play a role in shaping future innovation and don't take themselves too seriously. If this sounds like you, why not explore our vacancies and submit your CV?






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