Let's talk Cloud and Managed Services

31 December 1970

Your SAP BTP journey: Tips to maximise your investment

SAP’s Business Technology Platform (BTP) is the new kid on the SAP block, enhancing agilit...

EPI-USE Labs/AWS Roundtable Breakfast: A morning of insights...

Last month, EPI-USE Labs hosted a Cloud Roundtable Breakfast event with AWS (Amazon Web Se...

Why do you need a trusted cloud partner for your SAP-certifi...

In the dynamic landscape of digital transformation, organizations are increasingly turning...

Changing your VAR Support Partner – an incentive for innovat...

We take our VAR support obligations very seriously, often providing annual cost reduction ...

Three signs it’s time to switch SAP VAR Support Partners

Did you know that you are under no obligation to remain with your current SAP® VAR Partner...

Hybrid SaaS: The truth is somewhere in the middle

The cloud space is complex, with SaaS, PaaS and IaaS solutions coming at us from all direc...

Migrating SAP? You've come to the right place.

What do SAP cloud migrations, managed services, and partners have in common? Certification...

Migrating SAP to the Cloud: Identity and Access Management

Following on from our previous blog on Azure Policy, we are continuing with the security t...

Migrating SAP to the Cloud: Do you know about Azure Policy?

At EPI-USE Labs we have a whole host of knowledge around Microsoft Azure, and we decided i...

SAP Cloud migrations: The choice, the move and the cost

Organisations are already under pressure to increase agility while reducing costs, and are...

Cloud = Digital Transformation

My opinionated perspective is that the Cloud is not only a game changer, but in fact a nec...

Deploy S/4HANA 1809 to Microsoft Azure in two hours

Background Public Cloud is here to stay, and for me it's about enabling business agility a...

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