Let's Talk Community Care

December 31, 1970

Empowering African innovation & collaboration: A peek into S...

Since the first documented hackathon in 1999 at OpenBSD, there have been thousands of ‘hac...

SAP systems, innovative solutions and giraffes… all in one d...

It's just another regular Tuesday morning, and I'm working through my inbox when I come ac...

How to manage stress: quick tips for during and after work

At EPI-USE Labs, our mission is to help organisations optimise their SAP® systems through ...

World Wildlife Day focus: The Melorane ERP Game Reserve

World Wildlife Day (3 March) aims to raise awareness of the importance of wildlife conserv...

ERP Honey: helping communities, bees and trees

This clever ERP Honey initiative mitigates human-elephant conflict and reduces damage to c...

ERP: Community Relief Programme

In the wake of devastation to poor people in rural areas caused by the South African gover...

All about ERP: protecting Elephants and Rhinos

Elephants, Rhinos & People (ERP) was founded to preserve and protect Southern Africa’s...

(ERP) Great Karoo Elephant Migration

ERP has successfully completed the translocation of two family groups of elephants to Moun...

ERP: Recent top stories about saving Elephants & Rhinos

In this blog, we share a few recent stories from our non-profit entity Elephants, Rhinos &...

ERP achieves a monumental translocation

ERP successfully completed a historic translocation of 53 elephants from South Africa to M...

ERP Air Force

ERP Air Force With the alarming level of threat facing elephants and rhinos, traditional m...

Protecting elephants and rhinos with drones, data, and IoT

Elephants, Rhinos & People (ERP) is digitalizing the fight for Southern Africa’s threa...

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